
Showing posts from May, 2017


P.U.Friend Editorial PU friend is a site to provide useful information to Pre University Students. This Blog gathers information related to Pre University students and puts it in one single place. There no single editor to this place, all of you are editors. Any information provided by anyone related to PU students will be published in this blog under their name albeit with a little scrutiny. Good material will have be respected, so we have fixed  one prize for a winning contribution each month. This Prize money begins with 1000 Rs now and will increase with more visitors visiting this site. To begin with this site will start as a blog but will be expanded into a full-fledged website within an year or even earlier. We do not claim any 'rights' to this site as the material will be either from some information from the net or from some individuals who have contributed to it.  Advertisements are welcome to this blog.  Advertisements are for free at the